Justin: I swear if you win HOH I will be so happy.
Memphis: :-D
Memphis: im in the lead btw, LOL
Justin: I know.
Clue to the basement!
Memphis: I WON!!!
Memphis: :-D
Justin: YESSSSS!
Justin: I don't think I told you which Safe I chose.
Justin: I chose safe 2, so don't take that one.
Memphis: You didn't, you didn't have to.
Memphis: How many will there be?
Memphis: lol
Justin: there are 3 safes.
Memphis: We SO are going to get far XD.
Justin: If you end up needing help with it, I will happily help and yes I think we will get far.
Memphis: What do you think I should do? >_<
Justin: I have no idea. I think the alliance issue may be something to deal with.
Justin: But only if you want to.
Memphis: Deal with?
Justin: Nominate. That's what I meant. ://
Justin: Do you have any ideas?
Memphis: Eric because he hadn't talked to me and I don't want someone floating by in this game... lol. People keep suggesting me other names.
Justin: I know, He only talked to me cause I was HOH. But I didn't want to be down a boy, so I kept him.
Justin: Are you being bombarded?
Memphis: Yes... LOL
Justin: Those suck ups....at least they will finally leave me alone.
Memphis: LOL
Memphis: Who else besides Eric do you think?
Justin: April? Annie?
Memphis: People are saying April and Eric a lot.
Memphis: Do I go with what people want?
Memphis: U said u choose Safe 2, corrext?
Justin: no!
Justin: don't choose safe 2
Memphis: I know
Memphis: YOU choose Safe 2, was my question, lol.
Justin: oh, i didn't read that right lol
Justin: And you do what you want for nominations. I didn't listen to what people wanted last week.
Justin: That's why people I guess were surprised by my nominations.
Justin: If people are still talking to you, then talk to me later.
Memphis: No one really is, LOL.
Memphis: Im going to look at past seasons to see if numbers and box have any correlation XD lol
Memphis: I haven't chosen a box yet, LOL
Memphis: What should I choose?
Memphis: 1 or 3? lol
Justin: idk haha
Memphis: I'll use a RNG, lol.
Justin: ok
Memphis: WHAT DO I DO!?
Memphis: Eric and who?
Memphis: Angie was a thought, but if she doesn't get out, she'll know me and you have a power.
Memphis: People are going to know we have a power very shortly.
Memphis: Once more people win/survive,etc.
Justin: Yeah, we need to get someone trustworthy to get the next clue.
Justin: So far Britney, Angie, Annie are halfway there.
Memphis: Annie is?
Justin: she survived week one eviction
Memphis: What if I nom her and work with her?
Memphis: Or is that a bad idea? lol
Justin: Annie?
Memphis: Annie, yes.
Memphis: I don't WANT her to go whatsoever.
Justin: Cause the in the HOH she got most trustworthy.
Memphis: I want someone I trust to have the power, lol.
Memphis: Oh.
Memphis: So is that good or bad?
Justin: that kinda made me wonder
Memphis: lol
Justin: like maybe she has a lot of allies.
Justin: idk
Justin: probably a cryptogram.
Justin: I had like 6 of them to go through
Memphis: how do you find them? LOL
Memphis: SIX?!
Justin: you have to use logic.
Memphis: To FIND the cryptograms?
Justin: is it a bunch of dashes with numbers under them?
Memphis: I have to find the cryptogram first...
Memphis: Hidden on this board are 5 puzzle pieces. The pieces come together to form a cryptogram. Crack the hidden message to find the password for the door below...
Memphis: lol
Justin: oh, that's different. I didn't have to find pieces.
Justin: What do they look like?
Memphis: This shouldn't be *too* hard
Memphis: I have no idea, that's all my message says, LOL.
Memphis: There isn't too many places to look though
Memphis: :_p
Justin: I'll help you if you want.
Memphis: Please do ^_^.
Memphis: What is this background? LOL
Memphis: Also, can they only be in Chelsbot's posts?
Justin: Background?
Justin: and Idk where they can be.
Justin: When I did mine, I found links on past houseguests' accounts.
Memphis: Huh?
Justin: go to lydia's account
Justin: there?
Memphis: no XD
Memphis: ok im on lydia'
Memphis: acct
Memphis: ?
Justin: click 'season 3 winner'
Justin: it takes you to a board.
Justin: that was the crap i had to do.
Justin: it was insane
Justin: so idk where these pieces will be
Memphis: what is Season 3 winner? LO
Memphis: Sorry, *where
Justin: Right under her name on her account
Memphis: how the hell would u find that
Justin: Crazy searching.
Justin: I'm gonna search the episodes
Memphis: oh fuck
Memphis: the episodes
Memphis: LOL
Memphis: they're puzzle pieces
Memphis: wait
Memphis: did u already search all the profiles?
Justin: all the past player ones.
Memphis: I'll search a specific season, u do the other? XD
Justin: which do you wanna do?
Memphis: ill staart with season 4
Memphis: it's a puzzle piece - so it's probably a pic?
Justin: yeah i think it's a pic.
Justin: I'll do season 3
Memphis: ugh, this is taking forever
Memphis: Btw.
Justin: Yeah, I'm doubting them being in here.
Memphis: Since, I consider you my number 1 ally, I'm going to be 100% honest with you. Enzo has offered me an alliance that I obviously said yes to :-P Just so you know.
Justin: cool on both accounts.
Justin: You are my #1 too.
Memphis: :-D
Memphis: However, he may/sorta is playing me I guess. He wants me to nom big targets and not the small ones :-P.
Memphis: Not really playing me, but not considering my game.
Memphis: Using me, wanting me to make the big moves.
Memphis: He's been all about wanting Marvin now, and now he isnt' even suggesting Marvin, LOL.
Justin: yeah, do his dirty work
Justin: He threw Marvin at me last week.
Memphis: What if it's in my confessionals?
Justin: then check there. lol
Justin: But I feel like they were already hidden.
Justin: Cause what if I also had that safe? We could both look in our drs
Memphis: What was your first clue? Just curious.
Justin: let me find it
Justin: I had to solve it, answer it and then go from there.
Memphis: That was your instructions?
Memphis: I mean, like, did it say for you to look at a dead person's profile? XD
Memphis: *past
Justin: when I solved that it read 'she beat the odds to claim victory in season 3. Pay her a visit and enter the last name of her final 2 opponent in all caps'
Justin: that's how I knew to go to lydia's account.
Memphis: o
Memphis: What were ur first instructions?
Memphis: Or was it just a crypto?
Justin: it was that crypto
Justin: all I had were cryptos
Memphis: im looking in the calender lol
Justin: smart
Justin: I looked at all the profiles.
Justin: I found one!!!!!!!
Memphis: WHAT!
Memphis: Really?
Memphis: lol
i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll93/bbwarzone/piece2390wqisjs.jpgJustin: I'm so excited
Memphis: Where?!
Memphis: I feel dumb, lol.
Justin: In the rules
Justin: I can't believe it. I'm so pumped.
Memphis: THANK YOU =D wooo
Justin: They are probably all in stuff that Chelsbot has said, so scan over everything for a link
Memphis: WAIT
Memphis: Is it a LINK or a PICTURE?
Justin: go to the rules board
Justin: if you click on diary rooms, it's a link
Memphis: now i got a strategy XD
Memphis: got one =D
Memphis: Strategy: use the quote button, find the word "PIECE"
Justin: no way
Memphis: on all of Chels general posts
Justin: where was that one?
Memphis: Season Stats
Justin: nice
Memphis: and there's one in Episode 1...
i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll93/bbwarzone/piece320329032.jpgJustin: so you are looking in the episodes?
Memphis: Yes - but the problem is I'd have to quote her so many times
Memphis: i think ill check other common areas first... lol
Memphis: Well
Memphis: all 3 so far
Memphis: have been in the VERY FIRST WORD
Memphis: just saying XD
Memphis: got one more
Memphis: memory wall: angie
Memphis: anouncements will probably have one
Justin: I feel so helpful to have figured this out
Memphis: XD You are!
Memphis: ^5
Justin: you found the last one?
Memphis: not yet, lol
Memphis: why cant i find the last piece XD lol
Justin: it's the hardest piece...
Memphis: maybe it's in another episode one
Memphis: lol
Justin: ugh where is it
Memphis: i only have to quote 107 posts to find it XD
Memphis: lol
Justin: it better not be in the instructions she gave you....:/
Memphis: you're smart XD
Memphis: it's not =/
Justin: noooooo
Memphis: if it isn't in these episodes- i will cry, lol
Justin: I will cry for you
Memphis: i found it
Memphis: roar
Memphis: I am slightly disappointed =/.
Memphis: The Golden POV is in Safe #1...
Memphis: *pokes*
Memphis: I reall do not know what to do for nominations...
Memphis: Eric + ?
Memphis: Who has one point so far: Britney, Annie, Angie
Justin: yes, those three have one point
Justin: Does this mean Eric is the target either way?
Memphis: I think so.
Memphis: Who do you think I should make the target?
Memphis: Do you think I should nom you? Get you to win veto and get into the safe? LOL jk
Memphis: I am safe-hungry now :-P.
Memphis: I wanted the Golden PoV =( ... lol
Justin: I thought you got the Golden POV
Memphis: No, it's in Safe #1, I choose Safe 3... lol
Justin: How do you know safe 1 has a golden pov?
Memphis: Because mine doesn't? LOL
Memphis: Isn't there always a G PoV?
Justin: what does yours have?
Justin: idk, I think there has been the ambush power
Memphis: It doesn't say I'm not supposed to tell... so I will XD. I get to be the Saboteur for a week. I must choose to use the power BEFORE the HoH.
Memphis: I can do up to three of five things:
Memphis: Sit someone out of HoH (one of the only good things). Cancel the Veto Competition. Nominate a third HG (but then I can't cancel the Veto).
Memphis: Make the Golden PoV a Diamond PoV and I can sit someone out of the Veto Competition.
Memphis: I can do up to three.
Memphis: I can't sit someone out of Veto if I sat them out of HoH.
Memphis: .... I'm not sure how/when this will be useful.
Justin: Wow.
Memphis: And the last time I can use it is at Final six.
Justin: I think that could be good.
Memphis: But I'd have to choose it before HoH.
Memphis: What if we won HoH anyways? Then it's a useless power pretty much :-P.
Memphis: Well, not true.
Memphis: I could cancel Veto, lol.
Memphis: and screw the contenders, rofl.
Justin: yeah, that would be perfect
Justin: and you could sit someone out of the HOH competition too
Memphis: yup.
Memphis: who knows how useful it will be, time will tell XD
Memphis: I still wish it was the Golden POV =( lol
Memphis: Ok, so who do I nom? Eric & Marvin? Eric & Angie? Eric & April?
Memphis: **Eric and Annie
Justin: what is the golden pov? is that just a normal veto?
Memphis: Yes, sorry, a normal veto was in the past seasons.
Memphis: There's been a Coup, a Veto, and a random power each season, I believe.
Justin: ok. idk about nominations.
Justin: if all fails, which 'pawn' would you most like to leave?
Memphis: Angie? lol
Memphis: I need to see results and see what people think of eachother XD... rofl
Justin: at least we know what power the last person will get.
Justin: and the next person has 2/3 chance of picking an empty safe.
Memphis: They will ask us which to chose though, won't they? =/
Memphis: They'll know we were down there XD.
Memphis: roflmao
Memphis: Enzo was on to me possibly being in the basement...
Memphis: He asked since I won Hoh and Veto if I got into the basement...
Justin: When I was nominated, he was talking about how there usually is one and asked me if I knew about one. I said no, cause at the time I didn't know about it.
Memphis: And brought up no i hadn't, and taht last season u had to do three things: hoh, veto, and survive an eviction... and marvin was like "Justin did all this!" ... and I was like "No, he didn't win Veto..." and he was like "oh" ... lol
Justin: haha
Memphis: Is there anyone in the house that is targetting me? XD
Memphis: That you know of, lol.
Justin: Nope.
Justin: I wish I had that info
Memphis: One person wanted me to nom you.
Justin: oh no, who?
Memphis: OBVIOUSLY - you have to keep it super secret? XD Got it? ^_^
Memphis: lol
Justin: I don't think anyone wanted you up last week.
Memphis: They've only told me (I am very sure).
Justin: got it
Memphis: Enzo wanted me to nom you and April. >_<
Memphis: I'm loyal 100% to you over him, that is why I am telling you.
Memphis: Enzo and Annie I trust slightly, but I know they have other things going on.
Memphis: Britney is with Michele probably.
Justin: ugh. that's annoying, cause i expect it from one of the girls over before him.
Memphis: April is playing neutral and defensive at this point.
Memphis: I really have no idea why he said you though.
Justin: Natalie is trying to play people. I know where she is at
Justin: she is cool though.
Memphis: Who is she trying to play?
Justin: Like she knows the girls are working together somehow and she is trying to stay cool with them
Memphis: BTW: I told Natalie, Michele, Rachel that if I won HoH I wouldn't nom them. And I don't want to go back on my word.
Justin: mk
Memphis: Leaving: Marvin, Eric, April, Angie up for grabs. Because I think Annie and Enzo have my back for a little bit.
Memphis: Although Annie might be playing everyone too.
Justin: yea, but annie could get a clue.
Justin: I'm in good with Marvin.
Memphis: If Brit wins Veto, she'll win a clue >_<.
Justin: Like I think he trusts me a lot
Memphis: Marvin made an alliance with me in private, and with Enzo in private.
Memphis: And Marvin is friends with Britney from before the game.
Memphis: =/
Justin: ugh
Memphis: Did he "make an alliance" with you - or just buddying-up to you?
Justin: i wanna say alliance, but I can't 100% recall the term.
Memphis: lol
Memphis: ...
Memphis: He isn't trying to win competitions though (I don't think).
Memphis: I think his strategy is to lay low.
Memphis: :-P
Justin: It is. I know that.
Memphis: No one else knows about your power - do they?
Justin: I asked him if he was gonna try to win HOH, he said he didn't care either way.
Justin: Nope.
Memphis: Just checking XD.
Justin: I don't plan on using it this week, so next week is the last week I can use it.
Memphis: What?!?!
Memphis: You can only use it when?
Justin: I could only use it in the next 3 evictions, which started my HOH reign.
Justin: It upsets me. :?
Memphis: =(
Justin: So it's either I use it next week or it disappears.
Justin: I wish my HOH week didn't count.
Memphis: Booo
Memphis: Is it revealed that YOU used the power?
Justin: yeah
Memphis: Well if you do use it, my suggestion is use it to put Enzo up. XD If he is after you, that is not good for my game. I know Enzo is one of my allies, but if he is after my main ally, that makes him an-almost foe.
Memphis: Enzo changes his mind though. We'll see what happens XD.
Justin: yeah
Memphis: So who to doominize?
Memphis: Eric and Marvin?
Justin: sounds good.
Memphis: I probably won't be at the Veto competition...
Memphis: so you should win it, so one of us can get into the vault
Memphis: again
Memphis: LOL
Memphis: I think the Veto winner will recieve the Bomb
Memphis: or something
Justin: we are so gonna be the targets from now on.
Memphis: they must accept it to get the veto maybe
Memphis: why is that? XD
Justin: you have 2 comp wins.
Memphis: i was thinking, i should win HoH again, then u Coop my nominees and piss me off ;-)
Memphis: rofl
Justin: a veto would be my second comp win
Justin: haha
Justin: i think the veto will have prizes and penalties.
Memphis: Britney is strong, btw, but she has lots of allies now too, so she is throwin comps
Justin: and one penalty is the bomb
Memphis: What sorts of Prizes? ^_^
Memphis: lol
Justin: I know she throws comps. I voted for her to be biggest jury threat
Justin: the freeze prize.
Justin: love potion
Justin: double vote
Memphis: What is Love potion and Freeze prize?
Justin: love potion - use it on someone and they can't evict you
Memphis: EVER?
Memphis: :-P
Justin: freeze - you can't compete in the next week's competitions, but you can't be nominated and can't vote in the eviction
Justin: idk about ever....
Memphis: :-D I like that
Justin: it just sucks if like i won that and then you were nominated the week i was frozen.
Justin: cause i wouldn't be able to help you at all
Memphis: oooo
Memphis: U use the freeze on yourself?
Memphis: lol
Justin: yeah
Memphis: o
Memphis: u cant choose who to use it on?
Memphis: lol
Justin: nope
Memphis: I am now thinking that I could be really stupid.
Memphis: What if the girls are still working together?
Justin: I honestly don't doubt it.
Justin: it's just which ones...
Memphis: Did you say Angie was? Or Natalie?
Memphis: lol
Justin: I think April is.
Memphis: I don't think April is, 4 people suggested I nom April.
Justin: o
Memphis: Rachel included
Memphis: lol
Justin: maybe angie is then
Justin: either way, you will have a replacement ready
Memphis: who is Angie close to?
Justin: no clue. I just nominated the girl, I know little about her
Memphis: Ok, I'm nomming Marvin and Eric.
Memphis: I don't have a back-up, lol.
Memphis: maybe Angie :-P.
Justin: Hopefully you won't need one
Memphis: Let's find the third password XD
Memphis: lol jk
Justin: that would be impossible
Memphis: Do you have any other allies?
Justin: Natalie would be one I suppose
Memphis: I thought you said she was playing people :-P lol
Justin: yeah, the girls
Memphis: How so? If you don't mind me asking XD.
Justin: she wants a few of them gone, I don't know which ones exactly, but she is playing nice.
Memphis: Oh, ok, then I like Natalie :-D.
Memphis: lol
Justin: she knows she's not in the 'girls club'
Justin: I better not get that bomb...
Memphis: You get to choose if u want it
Memphis: u know what i thought
Memphis: i thought the "Other" prize would be to choose when the Bomb goes off
Memphis: =( guess not
Justin: that would be crazy!
Memphis: I am sending in noms now *cringe*
Memphis: What if the Bomb goes off because I nominated Marvin? LOL