Post by Britney Haynes on Sept 10, 2010 18:33:34 GMT -5
Bring back my Marvin! Bring him back!
Im just so sad, that little whore Memphis got him evicted!
This is so unfair!
Now, I'm all on my own. Sure, I have alliances with pretty much everyone, but without Marvin, I have no one!
(too sappy?)
So now, I am gonna win the hell out of this HOH! Yessiree! I am going to design the HELL of out mah army poster! EVERYONE is going to be wanting to join MAH ARMY! People will be begging me to accept them into mah army, THAT is how good mah poster will be!
*pulls hair back into ponytail*
I am SO prepared to win this shit! GAME ONE BITCHEZ! GAME ON!
*huffs and puffs, then struts out of the diary room*
Post by Britney Haynes on Sept 11, 2010 11:54:52 GMT -5
Okay, so I know today is her birthday an all, but damn, April is getting on mah nerves!
She is like my shadow! All she does is just follow me around and like talk about how amazing our alliance is. Don't get me wrong, I like April, but she can be a bit of a pest.
Like this:::
APRIL: Lets do a quick role-play I start the Britney lines, you finish them, sound good? "WHO WANTS TO SEE MY HOH ROOM?!"
Like, what!? April, no one cares! I don't want to play her dumb, toddler games!
She's also SUCH and attention whore!
NO ONE CARES! I might just put Marvin's bomb in her cake and see if it explodes when she eats it *snickers*
April came to me yesterday and said that she wanted to include Rachel and Natalie into our alliance. Rachel and I are BFF, so I was fine with that, but Natalie.........EW! She's just sooooooo dull! It's like worst than talking to a wall! At least a wall can be nice to look at! Natalie, well, she's just dirty and trashy and gross. Honestly, like, he clothes have stains on them and she rarely bathes. I actually think I can smell her through the Diary Room walls. PEEEEEEYEWWWWW!
I don't think Natalie likes me very much. I rarely make an effort to talk to her because she doesn't deserve my presence. So having her in this alliance stinks, literally!
What also stinks that if Justin and Memphis find out that Rachel and I are in ANOTHER alliance....we're simply screwed! And April is a huge whore that never shuts her mouth so they are probably bound to find out. Also, Memphis seems to have the power to know all, so Im sure that doesn't bold to well for us either.
Post by Britney Haynes on Sept 13, 2010 22:22:02 GMT -5
Whoz is the house!? BRITNEYS IN THE HOUSE!!!
OMG, you have NO idea (well actually you do, 3 weeks) how long I have been waiting for this! Ive had to sit there, during every nomination ceremony and listen to some fool ramble on about the two pathetic losers they're nominating! WELL GUESS WHAT! Now I get to be that fool! YAY!
OMG, it was like the most amazing win of my life. Here I was, in front of the four previous Warzone winners, and they picked me! I mean HELLO, good taste or what!
I was like dying there, waiting for the final result to be revealed! IT was ME against ANNIE! First of all, what the fuck was Annie thinking!? Like, obviously, her poster paled in comparison to mine however, hers wasn't THAT BAD. Like, why would she make a "kinda good" poster when she has fucking Immunity!? Like, what if I fell down a flight of stairs or was like mauled by my billion fans and couldn't compete in HOH!? Huh? She would have won! Then she would have had to pissed two people off so like no reason!
Do you know why she made a poster:::: Because she has a fucking ego the size of her ass. Like, all Annie does is talk about her self. Like, it's so annoying. Like, whenever I talk to her she's always like "OMG ME AND MY KIDS!" or "OMG I WON A COMP IN ANOTHER GAME" or "I FOUND A PICTURE FOR THIS CHALLENGE" Great Annie, I don't care!
And then she pulls this act. Well, let me tell you, I hate this bitch even more now! If she didn't have Immunity she would so be nominated.
Moving on!
I have access to the basement!!!
Now, I already knew about the basement, cause Justin told me. And that really was the driving force behind me wanting to win this HOH. Cause, let's face it, I AM aligned with pretty much everyone. It probably wasn't too smart to win this HOH. But, meh, fuck it! I'm about to get my SHE BEAST on and win the hell out of every challenge from here on out.
So, Justin and Memphis have already been in the basement and have both gotten a power. I asked Memphis about his, but that whore won't tell me what he got. Hopefully the bomb will blow up on him this week and he'll be evicted so it won't matter.
With those two already being in the basement, that means there is one safe left. MY SAFE! Memphis told me he took safe 3, while I forget which safe Justin took. Once I find out, I will know which safe to choose and hopefully I will get a super, amazing, awesome, sparkly power that will allow me to rule the house.....AND THE WORLD!
Moving on...
I fucking hate April.
As the time goes on in this game the more I fantasize about drowning April in the HOH bathtub, or sticking her head in the blender, or locking her into the bathroom after Enzo dropped a grenade! Seriously though, talking to April is like sitting in a warm chair after someone else sat there. Like, isn't that the worst!? Like you always think "Ewwww, is it warm cause of their body heat, or did they just fart?" And then you start to cringe uncontrollably. THAT is what it feels like to talk to April. I cringe every time she comes up to me.
And, not only has she become annoying and cringe worthy, she is highly irritating. She keeps insisting that I won't nominate someone from the HBIC's (which, btw, I fucking hate being apart of that alliance, and I refuse to admit I am), but she doesn't like ask me if Im going to nominate either her, Rachel or Natalie, she like tells me. She's like "Oh but none of us HBIC are going home ahaha high five!" Um no bitch, you aint safe. I'll nominate whoever the fuck I wanna nominate, and you have no opinion on that. Mhm. Like, honestly where is the boat that goes to the deserted island, cause I'm ready to buy April a first class ticket on it!
Strategically, I don't want to nominate April cause I think, again from a strategic standpoint (from a sanity standpoint: hellz no), she could be beneficial for now. Cause, everyone absolutely HATES April! I don't understand why she is walking around saying she has no target on her back when no one in the house likes her! Honestly, she really has become the joke of the house! Or, at least between Rachel and I. That's all Rachel and I do is make fun of April behind her back. Well, her and Annie.
Ive been finding lately that Im getting more annoyed with people. And, I really don't want that to affect my nominations. Ive been able to bite my tongue so far, which is actually really good for me. However, lately Ive actually had to physically get up from the computer so I don't yell at someone. So I am really trying to keep my cool in this game, because I don't want to ruin my chances.
Thats why Im kind of deciding to play it safe with my HOH. I know! SNOREFEST! I'm sure everyone watching wants me to nominate someone and tell them how I really feel, but Im not! Not yet at least!
My plan this week is to nominate Eric and Angie. Why? Cause, other than Annie, they're the only ones I don't have ties with. LOLZ.
I adore Angie, and I SOOOOOO wish I didn't have to nominate her (I would much rather nominate those whores Natalie and April) but I think this is the safest route. No one knows where Eric and Angie stand, so no one would be upset with my nominations.
Plus, by keeping both of my 4 alliances intact, I stand a good chance in staying next week.
Okay, so here is my plan:::
Evict Eric this week. Then use the alliance of Natalie and April to evict the stronger threats in the game: Annie, Memphis and Justin. Then evict Natalie and April (if Im not dead by then from listening to their annoying banter) and go to the Final 5 with Michele, Enzo, Rachel and Angie. Once at Final 5, Rachel and I go with 1 of the other 3 to the Final 3. Either Rachel or I win HOH, and we get to the Final 2!
Right now that is the plan! However, it is bound to change.
So when I make my boring nominations and everyone in the Lurkers Lounge groans and complains and says "OMG BRITNEY IS SO BORING! WHY IS SHE HERE! DROP A BOMB ON HER HEAD NOW!". Just know that is all part of my MASTER PLAN!
Or....If Natalie and April continue to piss me off I might just nominate them!
Whatever I'm in the mood for!
Also! Chelz! Can you please make the bomb blow up on Memphis! PLEASE! HES SO ANNOYING AND I HATE HIM!
Or, can I nominate 3 people? And then evict all 3 of them!?
Post by Britney Haynes on Sept 14, 2010 9:56:26 GMT -5
OMG! Okay, So, Like
You'll never believe what has happened!
Okay, so like I got access to the basement, because I'm awesome and won two competitions.
So, I decided to tell Rachel about if because she is my BFF. She was actually really shocked, like she totally suspected there was a basement, but didn't 100% know.
It was a little funny, cause I have actually known about the basement since week 2. It's funny that some people still don't even know about it!
Okay so as soon as I tell Rachel about the basement, she goes on a mad witch hunt to find clues for it! She manages to find like all these puzzles pieces of some weird cryptogram! SOUND FAMILIAR! Thats that SAME puzzle that Holly found in week one which she gave to me. So THATS where that came from LOLZ! I feel so stupid now for thinking she got it from being nominated, when really she just found it hidden in the house. Lolz.
So anyways, Rachel ends up finding them all and puts the cryptogram together and solves it. It gives you the definition of SABOTAGE! She also found that there are hidden links on 3 past Warzone Players: Lydia, Chelsia and She Beast! By clicking their sigs or status things it takes you to the basement. However, Unless you have access to the basement, you cannot enter them.
I tried entering SABOTAGE into all 3 of the safes, but nothing worked. So, I am still puzzled.
If that puzzle for the basement, or is it for something else? Maybe there is a Saboteur!? Who knows!
All I know is that I NEED to get into that safe!
Also, MAD PROPS to Rachel! Gurl got SKILLZ! I'm sure we're the best duo EVAR!
Post by Britney Haynes on Sept 14, 2010 18:49:05 GMT -5
Okay, so I decided to tell Angie about her possible nomination! And, let me tell you, gurl was not havin it!
It's like totally bad, because I can honestly say that I WAY WAY WAY like Angie more than those two evil, dirty, sluts called April and Natalie.
Angie started like guilt tripping me into not putting her up, and honestly now I don't know what to do!
She sent me this big long message:
And now I don't know what to do! She brings up a lot of interesting points. Like, I really think she would be someone I could count on. She seems like a really sweet and loyal person. And someone that is way more decent than Natalie and April. However, by not putting Angie up I am exposing one of my two alliances. For example, if I put April up she is gonna be pissed and tell Memphis and Justin about our alliance and then those two are going to flip out!
So, it would be smarter to put up Eric and Angie, but I really feel bad about putting Angie up!
At this point, Im not sure what I'm going to do! UGH!
Post by Britney Haynes on Sept 14, 2010 21:50:15 GMT -5
SAFE #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the power:
This is a WICKED power! So amazing!
It was hard work though. You had to solve like 10 million puzzles to get in, but in the end, it paid off! I have to give MAD PROPS, AGIAN to Rachel! Like I said before, gurl got skillz! She basically did everything. Like, it wasn't her helping me, it was me helping her. Like she basically solved everything one. I just sat there at did my nails, maybe looked up a few times and nodded my head in agreement, while she solved everything. But whatever! She's a Chemist right!? What do I do, sell hotels or something, I dunno! At times I was getting a little scared too. Like she gets right into it. She puts her hair up, and starts huffin and puffin, it's crazy!
In the end, we solved it and I got into the safe! This power is totally perfect for me! I get to hijack someones HOH! AHAHAHA! Like HOW HIGHlarious would it be for someone to get all excited that they won HOH! Their dreams are finally coming true! They've been waiting for this moment for weeks! They stand up to make their nominations when all of a sudden....PRINCESS BRITNEY STRUTS IN! She gives them the *bitch please* look and tells them to sit their ass down! OMG that would be AMAZING! Excuse me while I drool.
The only problem with this power is that I have to choose someone when I claim it. Like, if I choose Annie, then I can't change it if like someone like Memphis wins. I have to wait till Annie is evicted until I can pick another person. So, I have decided to wait to claim it. Right now, I'm the only one in the basement. However, there are some people, Annie, Michele, Angie and Eric who are 1 achievement away. So, if one of them get in, I might just have to claim it. I would rather have it in my own possession than someone else have it.
In other news...
I decided to go with my orignal noms and nominate Angie and Eric. Eric pissed me off after the ceremony. Like, I understand that sometimes you get busy and can't talk to people; however, him saying that it's rude to message people when they're away is bullshit! Like WTFEVER! I'm sorry your "moral ethics" get in the way of you being social. That is the biggest bull ever!
Im kind of scared to talk to Angie. She is going to be pissed. But, I talked to Michele today and she was totally right. She said that Angie just talks to everyone, becomes their friend, but doesn't make alliances. Then when someone goes to nominate, she tries to guilt them into not nominating her. WELL, SORRY ANGIE! Not working on me!
It worries me a little bit that people might vote Angie out. The annoying bitch, April, keeps bringing up how blindsiding Angie at this eviction would be great! But I'm not having it! However, if Angie gets pissed at me, I might consider not having her back this week.
Post by Britney Haynes on Sept 16, 2010 13:50:22 GMT -5
DOMINATION is a word that gets thrown around a lot these days! Espesh when you're describing a person such like myself! Cause Bitchez, IM DOMINATING THE COMPETITION!!!!!!!!!! Second Veto Win, Bitchez! SECOND! Gosh, I haven't dominated this much since that night with your mom! ZIIIIIINNNNGGGGGG!!!!! I totes did not even suspect to win! But, as soon as it got down to me vs Ratalie, I knew I had to win it! Right now, I've won the most competitions out of anyone. And, it's probably not smart for me to keep winning, because it puts such a target on my back, but I just can't help it! Winning is the best! There are two good things about winning this Veto. (A) I continue to control what happens this week. I don't get to vote this week, unless there is a tie, so I need to make sure that the two people who are the two Final Nominees, are people I don't mind leaving. So I get to decide whether or not if the Veto is used. (B) It also allows no one else to have access to the basement, for at least a few more days. If someone like Michele, or Annie were to win Veto, I would have had to claim the Mind Control Power in fear that they could get it. So, this allows me to not claim it just yet. Cause when I do claim it, I want to make sure I am choosing the right person to control, so the power doesn't go to waste. This week, even though I have the power to keep my nominees the same, I still feel like I am in a predicament. I really don't want players like Annie, Memphis, April and Natalie to stick around. Next week, if I were to win HOH again, I would really want 1 of those 4 out, preferably Annie. However, winning puts such a huge target on your back, so I would rather someone do the dirty work for me lolz. Although, you can't really rely on other people in this game. I always say, if you want something done, do it yourself. Also, I don't want to look back and think "Oh, I should have gotten rid of this person when I was HOH". Like, I feel that by targeting Eric this week, I could be wasting my HOH, cause, realistically, Eric isn't really a threat. Like, should I be using my HOH to make a bigger move and take out like Memphis? Or, play it safe. I also am starting to really like Eric. He is really sweet, and I kind of feel bad that I never really gave him the chance. He told me that if I saved him, he would not nominate me, save me if he won veto, and not vote me out. Those are 3 big promises! If I were to keep Eric, that is someone I could have in my corner, someone that I actually like way more than APE-RIL and RATALIE! So, I don't know what I want to do with the veto yet. Do I make the move and take out the stronger player, risking my future in the game? Take out Eric and play if safe, which would keep my position in the game relatively the same? Or, just nominate someone I don't like, like April? With every win comes a decision, and these decisions are hard!