Hello fellow house guests and welcome to the eighth veto ceremony!!
First off, Id like to thank Chels for making this dream of posting a veto ceremony a possibility by casting me in such a great series like Warzone.
Secondly, id like to quote Burt Reynolds from the well known flick Deliverance.
Burt- “Machines are gonna fail and the system's gonna fail...then, survival. Who has the ability to survive? That's the game - survive.”
Yup I took it to heart, and I survived like a champ. Thanks a million Burt
Thirdly……id like to do THIS:
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That’s right Michele, gasp you should, cuz that’s a middle finger and its directed right towards your face. Look at it.
If any of you onlookers are asking: Why are you so bitter at your nomination?? I mean you did nominate her last week Enzo!
I would reply; Its not the nominations, it’s the way she went about it. I mean look at the reasons she gave out. Ill quote a couple of her far more ridiculous ones, but if you havnt read it yet, read the whole ‘nomination ceremony’ Michele typed out. Its quite the laugh riot.
“Memphis accused you of being aligned with Enzo after his eviction” – Reason for Angies nomination. I am almost at a loss for words for this one at its pure absurdity, but im not. Memphis hated me because I would’ve evicted him if it came to a tie and is just being his typical manipulative self by trying to control the game after his eviction. Sorry for getting caught in the crossfire angie.
“Any time we chat it's about standing cats or random youtube videos.” – HILARIOUUUUUUUUUUUS. After all those videos, she was like OMGZ ENZO THAT’S THE FUNNIEST THING IVE EVER SEEN. THANKS SO MUCH FOR MAKING ME LAUGH, I REALLY NEEDED IT! And then like 2 days later shes bitching that I don’t talk strategy with her.
Is nobody else SCOFFING at her? I know I am.
Moving on from talking about ass douche Michele, Its time for my veto decision.
I have..............................chosen...................................................to use…....the power of veto.............................................on.....................................................................................myself.
Id like to now give the floor to Michele and let her make herself sound a little more batshit insane by nominating a replacement nominee and saying that her reasons are because Sharon said something week 2.