Post by Chelsbot on Oct 5, 2010 17:57:09 GMT -5
Houseguests, the votes are in. When I reveal the vote, the evicted houseguest will have a few moments to say goodbye, gather her belongings, and walk out the front door.
By a vote...
of 3-1...
you have been evicted from the Big Brother Warzone house. The next HOH competition will be live on AIM tonight at 10 PM EST.
Post by Enzo Palumbo on Oct 5, 2010 18:08:35 GMT -5
Dont, keyboard cat..................dont.
Post by Justin Giovinco on Oct 5, 2010 18:21:21 GMT -5
Ahhhhh, sorry Angie. I didn't get on AIM quick enough to tell you. Bye. *gets backhanded by Angie*
Post by Angie Swindell on Oct 5, 2010 18:46:12 GMT -5
Thank you Chelsbot for the opportunity to play this season. It was a great game and although it sucks to be evicted, I had tons of fun. I honestly feel like I was in the hot spot for most of the game and that made everything both more exciting & stressful. It also made the times that I stayed more rewarding.
Challenges were fun, most people were great, and disarming the bomb was sexy. I don't hate anyone personally in this game and I hope none of you take anything said in my diary room to heart...I was a little nasty.
I'd also like to take the opportunity to address each of you, because I really feel like there are some things that need to be said and some things for all of you to think about in the upcoming rounds.
MICHELE - Keep up the challenge wins and you'll go far. I have no hard feelings towards you because you simply nominated me and it was probably in your best interest to anyway. You got me out before I was able to use my power next week. <3 LOVE IT.
BRITNEY - Sorry, but you've been totally fake this entire game. I don't know why I continued to trust you and like you in this game. You nominated me twice and then you completely sat here and lied to my face minutes up to my eviction. You tell me so many times that you "respect" me so much as a person and that you would totally let me know who you were voting, yet 5 minutes before the ceremony was posted you told me you were voting for Natalie. Then you log off right before Chelsbot posts to go "study". Great job. You'll probably go far because everyone loves you so much.
Regardless, your actions throughout this game have left me to believe that you're probably the most fake person in this entire cast. I find it retarded that you couldn't have at least told me. I asked you to tell me what you had planned to do before the vote and you said you totes would because you "respect" me. So much for that, eh? I honestly wouldn't have been upset if you had told me straight out that you were voting for me to go. But whatever.
You're quite a social player. I'll give you that. You also have a good shot at winning. Take a look at the answers from the family feud competition way back. I'm probably not the only person who thinks you're a threat.
RACHEL - You were the person I was the most shocked by. I can honestly say that I trusted you. I loooooooved talking to you and I find you absolutely hilarious. I can understand if you thought that I was going to go no matter what so you didn't want to put yourself out there, but once again, you led me to believe for the entire day that you wanted me to stay. That's probably what hurts the most. I expected you to be honest with me out of everyone who voted against me because I felt like we really hit it off during this game and I considered you a good friend. I wonder who you're really loyal to?
NATALIE - I hope you're the next person evicted. I may be hurt by some of the above people but at least they actually play the game. I understand that your location sometimes makes it difficult for you to make the competitions, but it doesn't give you an excuse to float and be a complete bore. You probably didn't even campaign this round. Have fun competing drunk tonight, maybe it will make talking to you a little more bearable. Oh, and the people that voted to keep you? They all have said similar things but just maybe haven't been so up front about it. Nobody is going to vote for you to win this game and I'm just being honest when I say that.
JUSTIN - Oh Justin. Throughout this entire game I've thought that you are probably the most shady person this game has to offer. You've lied to me about everything you could possibly lie about and it's just laughable. You hate confrontation and you don't like drama? Suck it up.
Let's see...
First of all, you knew right at that very moment you were voting to evict me but instead you decided to lie to avoid confrontation. You told me what I wanted to hear, just like you've be doing every round. (according to my dear friend Rachel <3 Wow, everyone apparently talks shit about EVERYONE in this game) You obviously haven't learned over the past few weeks because if you had been honest, I wouldn't be making this post right now.
Thanks for another lie, buddy. I was told that you and Natalie were actually friends (and not just from this game). So, I'm going to call bullshit on that one. It wasn't a tough decision for you at all.
I told you I was going to keep you and that I didn't hold any grudges against you (which I didn't, my mistake) and then....
Yeah, and you lying to me over and over again throughout this game really shows what type of person you are. : )
Sorry Justin, but all you've done is lie to me. I don't care what you have to say for yourself either. You lied to me about your eviction vote a few weeks ago and you lied more today. And you didn't even tell me what you decided to do in the end.
If you can continue to act like this over the last few rounds in this game, you can expect to always be the talk around the water cooler.
Overall, great game! I had an awesome time but I'm obviously just a little hurt by the way things turned out. I like you all as people I just wish people would have been a little more forward with me today. I knew I was a threat for the end and I completely understand on a strategic level why the majority of you decided to evict me over some piece of garbage that can just be dumped in the trash next week.
Good luck to everyone and I hope you all have a terrible time trusting one another because it seems like almost everyone left does nothing but lie! Hahahaha!
Well, it sure did help to vent. Bye guys!
Post by Angie Swindell on Oct 5, 2010 19:28:32 GMT -5
Justin, I'm already out of the game. No need to lie some more.
You didn't even talk to her about the vote today. Is it so hard to just tell the truth?
Post by Rachel Reilly on Oct 5, 2010 19:32:54 GMT -5
~FUCK YOU, JUSTIN. I didn't even talk to you, twat. So don't push your backstabbing Angie onto me, fuckface.
Post by Justin Giovinco on Oct 5, 2010 19:47:13 GMT -5
Sorry you feel that way Angie. And I said found out that Rachel wasn't keeping you. I know I didn't talk to you, Rachel. I only talked to Angie, Enzo, and Britney today. I push anything onto you. I found out you were voting Angie out, that's not putting the blame on you.
Post by Rachel Reilly on Oct 5, 2010 19:56:22 GMT -5
Don't throw my name into the mix then? And don't make it seem like your whole vote was weighing on just my decision alone. That's basically saying it's all my fault that Angie still isn't in this house, which I don't appreciate ~AT ALL. Got it? Thanks, douchewaffle.
Post by Justin Giovinco on Oct 5, 2010 19:57:48 GMT -5
Post by Rachel Reilly on Oct 5, 2010 20:01:14 GMT -5
Post by April Dowling on Oct 5, 2010 20:09:29 GMT -5
*Looks Britney up in the dictionary* A person, who acts too nice to be real in order to lure in pathetic dopes and use/betray them, frequently crushing the victim's soul in the process. Symptoms of fakeness include wearing a huge, phony, Botox-looking smile the entire time, saying "HAI!! How are you!" a lot, using an overly sweet tone of voice that's so dripping with sap it makes you want to vomit, and just generally being overly perky all the time. A fake chooses her victims very carefully, usually very naive individuals, waits until the victim has divulged their deepest, darkest secrets, then spreads them all over the school and makes sure the victim is absolutely miserable.
A fake meeting her victim:
Britney: Hiiiiiii! You look really lonely. Do you need a friend? You can trust me with anything. Victim: That would be really nice...I never have had any real friends before. Birtney (under breath): Ha! She took the bait! THIS is gonna be good!I could really care less if I'm out-I must say, Britney, this describes you to a T. To hell with you.
Post by Rachel Reilly on Oct 5, 2010 20:12:01 GMT -5
Post by Britney Haynes on Oct 5, 2010 20:12:40 GMT -5
INTRUDER ALERT, INTRUDER ALERT! It's a joke April! Some people can actually poke fun at themselves.
Post by April Dowling on Oct 5, 2010 20:13:32 GMT -5
INTRUDER ALERT, INTRUDER ALERT! It's a joke April! Some people can actually poke fun at themselves. I know it was a joke, beyotch! It's called being bitter.
Post by Britney Haynes on Oct 5, 2010 20:15:04 GMT -5